Military Emergency Trauma Tourniquet - each

SKU: MTR-TOT600BK Click To Copy SKU


Utilizes a durable windlass system with a free-moving internal band providing true circumferential pressure to the extremity. Its unique dual securing system avoids the use of screws and clips which can become difficult to operate under survival stress or where fine motor skills are compromised.

This product is mainly used for stopping massive hemorrhage of limbs on field conditions or in normal pre-hospital emergency. People can realize a one-handed implementation of the homeostasis operation. It is able to regulate the pressure needed, stop bleeding fast, improve the efficiency of homeostasis greatly.

The tourniquets' effectiveness as a life-saving instrument for our first responders and military soldiers on the battlefield has played a significant role in improvement of combat injury medical care. Take comfort in the fact that they will go to duty with a proven design combat medical care tool in their possession. They may even elect to carry 2 or more tourniquets on their person or in their vehicle.

Product Features

  • Proven to be effective in occluding blood flow in both upper & lower extremities.
  • Reinforced windlass clip & highly visible security tab includes a writeable area to record the time of application
  • True one-handed application
  • Reinforced windlass clip           
  • Quickly controls bleeding
  • Highly visible time strap      
  • Strong & Lightweight


